3936 Bronxwood Avenue
Bronx, New York 10466

What We Do


Tricia - Parent

"In the summer of 2017 my children and I had an educational experience that we continue to speak about and my children interrogate me weekly about the actual launch of the program. The exciting journey that I speak of is the pilot program for IlluminXation.  Dr. Nadine James introduced a group of children from the Bronxwood community to an exciting exploration of the various systems that makes the human body so very unique. My son is eleven years old and about to enter the seventh grade. His research on the Immune system  and taking a very close look at cells has heightened his interest in focusing on a career in the medical field. In addition, my five years old daughter speaks strongly about the dangers of smoking as she too had her knowledge base increase after going on a field trip with Dr. James to the Liberty Science museum in New Jersey.  Dr. James provided our students with the opportunity to view cadavers , to see the comparison of a healthy lung versus a smokers lung. It was intriguing to see children engaged in lessons, creating body structures and presenting their learning to the wider community. I applaud Dr. James' initiative and my children and I eagerly await the launch of the program“